Saturday, March 10, 2018

MongoDB CRUD operations exercise

Installation of MongoDB

The executable file needs to be downloaded from:

Note: During installation of MongoDB, one of the wizards has a compass installation check box, please uncheck the same, and continue the installation process by clicking on “Next”.

·         Once installation is completed, create the directory “data/db” in the "C" drive.

·         Copy the MongoDB installation directory path (which looks like C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin) and add it to the environment variable of the system. 
  •      To Run mongo client open command prompt and type mongo 

·         To verify the installation:
                 - Open the command prompt
                            Type the command mongod. If a message "Waiting for connections on port 27017" is                  displayed on the last line, it indicates the successful installation of MongoDB.

Installation of RoboMongo

·         Download the executable from the following link:    
·         Just follow the instructions of the installation wizard to complete installation of RoboMongo.

Working with MongoDB
The example given below covers all the basic (CRUD) operations in MongoDB.
  1. Connect to MongoDB (by using mongo shell)
  2. Create database with name (ems)   - use ems;
  3.  Insert the following data into "faculty" collection (Use insertMany())
            { "name":"Krish", "age":35,"gender":"M","exp":10,subjects:["DS","C","OS"],"type":"Full Time","qualification":"M.Tech" },
            { "name":"Manoj", "age":38,"gender":"M","exp":12,subjects:["JAVA","DBMS"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"},
            { "name":"Anush", "age":32,"gender":"F","exp":8,subjects:["C","CPP"],"type":"Part Time","qualification":"M.Tech" },
            { "name":"Suresh", "age":40,"gender":"M","exp":9,subjects:["JAVA","DBMS","NETWORKING"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"},
            { "name":"Rajesh", "age":35,"gender":"M","exp":7,subjects:["DS","C","OS"],"type":"Full Time","qualification":"M.Tech" },
            { "name":"Mani", "age":38,"gender":"F","exp":10,subjects:["JAVA","DBMS","OS"],"type":"Part Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"},
            { "name":"Sivani", "age":32,"gender":"F","exp":8,subjects:["C","CPP","MATHS"],"type":"Part Time","qualification":"M.Tech" },
            { "name":"Nagesh", "age":39,"gender":"M","exp":11,subjects:["JAVA","DBMS","NETWORKING"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"},
            { "name":"Nagesh", "age":35,"gender":"M","exp":9,subjects:["JAVA",".Net","NETWORKING"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"},
            { "name":"Latha", "age":40,"gender":"F","exp":13,subjects:["MATHS"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"}
Write the following queries:
1. Get the details of all the faculty.
2. Get the count of all faculty members. 
3. Get all the faculty members whose qualification is “Ph.D”.
4. Get all the faculty members whose experience is between 8 to 12 years.
5. Get all the faculty members who teach “MATHS” or “NETWORKING”.
6. Get all the faculty members who teach “MATHS” and whose age is more than 30 years and qualification must be “Ph.D”.
7. Get all the faculty members who are working part-time or who teach “JAVA”.
8. Add the following new faculty members:
      { "name":"Suresh Babu", "age":55,"gender":"M","exp":25,subjects:["MATHS","DE"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"}

      { "name":"Suresh Babu", "age":55,"gender":"M","exp":25,subjects:["MATHS","DE"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"}
9. Update the data of all faculty members by incrementing their age and exp by one year.
10. Update the faculty “Sivani” with the following data: update qualification to “Ph.D” and type to “Full Time”.
11. Update all faculty members who are teaching “MATHS” such that they should now also teach “PSK”.
12. Delete all faculty members whose age is more than 55 years.
13. Get only the name and qualification of all faculty members. 
14. Get the name, qualification and exp of all faculty members and display the same in ascending order of exp.
15. Sort the faculty details by their age (descending order) and get the details of the first five faculty members only. 

1. db.faculty.find().pretty()
2. db.faculty.count()
3. db.faculty.find({qualification:'Ph.D'}).pretty()
4. db.faculty.find({$and:[{exp:{$gt:7}},{exp:{$lt:13}}]}).pretty()
5. db.faculty.find({subjects:{$in:["MATHS","NETWORKING"]}}).pretty()
6. db.faculty.find({$and:[{subjects:'MATHS'},{age:{$gt:29}},{qualification:'Ph.D'}]}).pretty()
7. db.faculty.find({$or:[{type:"Part Time"},{subjects:"JAVA"}]}).pretty()
8. db.faculty.insert( {"name" : "Suresh Babu", age":55, "gender":"M", "exp":25, subjects:["MATHS","DE"],"type":"Full Time", "qualification":"Ph.D"})
9. db.faculty.updateMany({},{$inc:{age:1,exp:1}})
10. db.faculty.updateMany({name:"Sivani"},{$set:{qualification:"Ph.D",type:"Full Time"}})
11. db.faculty.updateMany({subjects:"MATHS"},{$push:{subjects:"PSK"}})
12. db.faculty.deleteMany({age:{$gt:54}})
13. db.faculty.find({},{name:1,_id:0,qualification:1});
14. db.faculty.find({},{name:1,_id:0,qualification:1,exp:1}).sort({exp:-1}).pretty()
15. db.faculty.find({}).sort({age:-1}).limit(5).pretty()

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